- H E A L T H Y  1 0 0 -

- H E A L T H Y  1 0 0 -

Gain Wisdom and a Deeper Understanding of Divine Health and Wholeness

Take control of your body, soul, and spirit through evidence based research, statistics, and  Professor Robyn's extensive experience. 

Ready to start living the life you were designed to live?

The Healthy 100 protocol is designed as a framework on which to build a long and healthy life, by addressing 7 core principles, with a central hub:'love, joy, peace'.

The underlying basis is that we have progressively been disconnected from our Creator, from the Creation out of which we were made, and from the tribes we were originally a part of. For more on this, see my video on Disconnections.

We are triune, made in the image of God (God - Father, 'soul', Son – flesh, Holy Spirit – spirit) and so we are body, soul and spirit simultaneously. For true abundant life and health, all these need nurturing and to be in connection and flow.

There is a series of introductory videos you can look at, both on my site and on the Raising Royalty School of Divine Health site. These may be all you need to get you kickstarted, but if you want to deep dive and experience the fullness of the teachings, then you may like to purchase the full programme, a series of 14 1 1⁄2 to 2-hour in-depth training and experience videos.

Blessings to you as you embark on your journey to reclaiming the fullness and abundance of life you were designed to be living in.


AMN Masterclass
Delving into the Wheel of Health which covers 7 key areas of health and wellbeing.
2nd World Covid Conference
Disconnections & Wheel of Life
Ekklesia, USA
Triune God, Triune Man
Lifewave X39
Healthy 100 

An interview 20 years ago is as true still today



Dear professor Robyn,
Although i´m limited to the replays due to my time zone in Europe (the Netherlands) I am very happy with The Healthy 100 course.
The benefits of this course are multiple. What kind of exercises and how often, good food, inonised air and water – i use bothnnow – nutrients, and so much more. I definitely feel better now that i have an indication on how to implement these changes.
The web-address for detoxing from co*vid sp*ike proteins proved very helpful as well as i struggled with respirational problems for months, they now have ceased. Thank u so very much!
- Elisabeth de Wit
Hi Robyn,

I have enjoyed the Healthy 100 Wheel of Life course. It reinforced what I have been learning over the years. It was good to do it in a more formal way & to revise. 

It was a challenge with my hearing loss & limited computer skills. It’s harder to lip read when on screen share.Sometimes I am overwhelmed by how much there is to learn. In light of my current health situation there is still more to do. Thanks 
- Diane Williams
For me, the Healthy 100 Wheel of Life allowed me to gain wisdom and a deeper understanding of the things I had already heard of or, knew little about, and put understanding and action to these things in my own life. It definitely has given me more confidence in taking care of myself daily and has given me my clear 'Why' I am choosing this lifestyle of health and wholeness.

Professor Robyn is such a gift to the body of Christ but also, to anyone at all who desires divine health and wholeness. Out of her great love for Yaweh, she continues to live with a heart dedicated to Truth and wholeness for all people, mind body and spirit as we are all intricately woven together this way.

Lastly, I feel amazing and clear about my future health steps. I also feel super confident moving forward after months of applying the wisdom gained, into my daily meals, body movement, breathe work and more, and tweeking them to suit my personal journey.

There is nothing I can think of that hasn't been addressed in the Health 100 Wheel of Life for those looking for a road map to get their health back on track.
- L.M.
I have totally enjoyed the "expansion" of health thinking with the "Health 100" wheel and discussions. As a recently retired Registered Nurse, mother of five girls and grandmother to 14, it is so relevant to have a plumbline on healthy living against which we can examine our health habits. And this is it! i love that mindsets on some areas like colours have been restored to our Creators original intent. All teaching is biblically sound and from a qualified diverse thinking, experienced, health professional. Almost every area of my life has been fine tuned against Prof Robyn's teaching. Ways to improve rest, Knowing what is best in water, nutrition study of minerals, breathing, posture, exercise, how magnetic fields affect our health; and so much more that enable us to take responsibility for our own health and immunity.

Presentation is easy to follow and recorded which was brilliant as due to family issues I was often not able to join the zoom meetings. I would highly recommend this course to anyone wanting to explore a more healthy lifestyle.
- J.M.
I have very much enjoyed learning about the “Healthy 100 Wheel of Life” this year. Prof Robyn Cosford is extremely knowledgeable about everything that relates to our physical, spiritual, mental & emotional health, and so much more beyond that too! I have especially enjoyed how she ties in her deep spiritual understanding with any subject which is often ignored or overlooked by people in the medical field these days. From the scientific theory to the every day practical, Prof Robyn delivers great value for anyone wanting to improve their health & well-being. I would highly recommend this course.
- V.M.
The Healthy 100 material has highlighted for me the truth that, "Man does not live on bread alone." I have learned that there is SO much more to being healthy than what you eat, while having affirmed the significant role that diet has on health.
I have been struck with awe at the genius of God as we gave studied our humanity from the macroscopic to the microscopic level.
- K.V.
First of all , I'm so very thankful to you for all I have learned from your weekly sessions. ...
although I am generally only able to do the replays 
I so appreciate the interaction, questions and precise clarity and up to date content .
Thank you for this opportunity to remember and reflect on the 'Wheel of Life series '.

Not being clear on where to start....
God highlighted for me just now. ....a key thought!

Recognition and clarity on how much we as the Body of Christ, and as an individual, I MUST BE AGGRESSIVE, attentive, proactive ,intentional, and bold in taking back our vocabulary and beliefs from what the 'new age movement' ''stole '' from Gods children would be a central key!!
Let's keep Choosing to celebrate daily, and deliberately the extraordinary wealth we have WITHIN OUR 
- K.N.
Your classes have been phenomenal. Packed with useful information, easy to absorb and understand. I have been telling my friends and colleagues about you and sharing information I've gleaned - thereby not only helping myself but others. It has helped me to be more aware of how I live my life, what my diet consists of, etc etc.

May you and yours be blessed Robyn a million times over. I look forward to more of you in the future.
- Y.V.
The Healthy Wheel of Life Course was full of extremely useful information for maintaining one's health or regaining one's health, both physically and spiritually. The information given is backed up by evidence based research, statistics and Prof. Robyn's phenomenal biochemical knowledge. I highly recommend it for anyone with a thirst for knowledge and a desire to take responsibility for their health and that of their family.
- A.G.
I’ve been exploring healthy living for many years but have never encountered anything like the Healthy 100 Wheel of Life. Professor Robyn has astounded me with her comprehensive understanding of health: body, soul, and spirit. Not only have I been equipped to care for my temple, but my eyes have been opened to the intricacies of creation. Indeed, we have been fearfully and wonderfully made!
- J.K.