The Healthy 100 protocol is designed as a framework on which to build a long and healthy life, by addressing 7 core principles, with a central hub:'
love, joy, peace'.
The underlying basis is that we have progressively been disconnected from our Creator, from the Creation out of which we were made, and from the tribes we were originally a part of. For more on this, see my video on Disconnections.
We are triune, made in the image of God (God - Father, 'soul', Son – flesh, Holy Spirit – spirit) and so we are body, soul and spirit simultaneously. For true abundant life and health, all these need nurturing and to be in connection and flow.
There is a series of introductory videos you can look at, both on my site and on the Raising Royalty School of Divine Health site. These may be all you need to get you kickstarted, but if you want to deep dive and experience the fullness of the teachings, then you may like to purchase the full programme, a series of 14 1 1⁄2 to 2-hour in-depth training and experience videos.
Blessings to you as you embark on your journey to reclaiming the fullness and abundance of life you were designed to be living in.