
- W I R E L E S S  R A D I A T I O N -

W I R E L E S S  
R A D I A T I O N 


(from EMR Australia)

Wireless radiation harms the body and health care practitioners need to do something about it, say Australian researchers in a paper published just before Christmas.

The researchers, from the Oceania Radiofrequency Scientific Advisory Association (ORSAA), conducted an analysis of studies that have been conducted on the effects of real-world wireless radiation on the body, from a database of research the organisation compiled over many years.

‘Two-thirds of the relevant epidemiology papers selected from ODEB [the ORSAA database] showed effects associated with increased exposures,’ the authors said.

One of the key effects the authors observed was that wireless radiation causes oxidative stress – the generation of free radicals. ‘Oxidative stress is now recognized as an underlying cause of many chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and depression,’ they say. Furthermore, ‘Health conditions promoted by electromagnetic-induced oxidative stress include allergies and atopic dermatitis, autoimmune diseases such as diabetes, eye conditions, and fertility effects.’

The authors also found compelling evidence that wireless radiation causes cancer. They refer to the decision by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) to classify wireless radiation as a Class 2B (‘possible’) carcinogen, to large animal studies confirming a link with cancer and to the recent determination by an Italian court that mobile phone radiation caused a plaintiff’s brain tumour.

The ORSAA team also found evidence that wireless radiation caused changes to enzymes and protein damage, biochemical changes, changes to cell function or morphology, effects on sperm/testicles, neurobehavioural/cognitive effects, changes to gene expression, haematological effects, cell death, changes to brain waves, immune system damage, hormonal changes, thyroid effects, liver effects and changes in brain development and/or neurodegeneration.

They also pointed out evidence that wireless radiation causes electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) – the experience of unpleasant symptoms as a result of exposure.

‘These symptoms include headaches (not the typical headache), head pressure, chest pressure, dysesthesia (skin irritation) and paraesthesia (tingling, prickling, burning sensations), insomnia, concentration difficulties, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), memory issues, dizziness, heart problems such as arrhythmia/palpitations/tachycardia, anxiety, joint pain, chronic fatigue, muscle pain and dermatological effects such as rashes,’ they say.

The study provides compelling evidence that humans ‘interact with electromagnetic fields even at low power levels.’

The authors say that international Guidelines for radiation protection (ICNIRP* Guidelines) and health practitioners generally do not adequately protect the public from the harmful effects of exposure. This is because there is a need to:
  • Respond appropriately to patient requests to not be exposed in a medical setting, eg switching off or moving sources of exposure;
  • Keep records of patients who seem to be affected by wireless radiation;
  • Be aware that radiation-emitting devices may cause distress to some patients;
  • ​Educate themselves about the research on the health effects of wireless radiation;
  • and provide guidance to patients on how to reduce exposure.
  • and their approach is not consistent with best practices of the International Commission on Radiation Protection.
‘[R]radiofrequency signals comprise an ever-present environmental stressor that may contribute to the significant increases in chronic illnesses and mental health issues observed globally’, the authors say. They suggest that there is enough evidence to justify health professionals taking action to address the problem.

The authors recommend that health care practitioners should:
  • Respond appropriately to patient requests to not be exposed in a medical setting, eg switching off or moving sources of exposure;
  • Keep records of patients who seem to be affected by wireless radiation;
  • ​be aware that radiation-emitting devices may cause distress to some patients;
  • ​educate themselves about the research on the health effects of wireless radiation;
  • ​and provide guidance to patients on how to reduce exposure.
They conclude that ‘The extensive evidence base is compelling enough to call for an update in medical education and practice. Out of care for their patients, healthcare workers may develop their understanding using the practical methods introduced in this discussion paper. Furthermore, modern institutional practices need to be reviewed to ensure that any harm from electromagnetic fields is reduced as much as reasonably possible while still providing optimal health care.’

*International Commission on NonIonizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP)

McCredden JE, Cook N, Weller S and Leach V (2022) Wireless technology is an environmental stressor requiring new understanding and approaches in health care. Front. Public Health 10:986315, doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.986315;

Note: the paper contains a supplement listing all of the studies that have investigated exposures from real world devices and base stations.
  • The ORSAA database can be found here.
  • Other useful papers can be found here (part 1) and here (part 2).
  • You can find out how to become a member of ORSAA here.
What can you do?
  • Detox your body, which can help reduce EHS, 
  • See our blog on EHS, ‘Do you have these symptoms’ 
  • Find out more about EHS, including our free downloadable paper about EHS and what you can do here
  • ​Learn how to make your home radiation free with our online course, Your electromagnetic-safe Home.
For nutritional supplements suitable , see ' Affiliated products'; for baseline health to better protect the body, see the Healthy100 programme.

- Treatment options for long Covid/post vaccine -


Note: Those seeking treatment involving Ivermectin need a referral to one of the following specialists, who can legally prescribe IVM 'for an indication that is not an approved indication':

gastroenterology and hepatology

infectious diseases

paediatric gastroenterology and hepatology

paediatric infectious diseases

- EWG Dirty dozen and clean fifteen -


Pesticides in Produce: Shopper’s Guide Lists Most and Least Contaminated Fruits, Vegetables

The Environmental Working Group (EWG), a nonprofit environmental health organization, released the 2023 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce.

The EWG uses the data to create two lists: the “Dirty Dozen” includes the fruits and vegetables that are most contaminated with pesticides, and the “Clean Fifteen” consist of produce with the lowest levels of contamination.
The idea is to help consumers make informed produce choices at the grocery store.

Each year, a rotating list of produce is tested by USDA staffers who wash, peel, or scrub fruits and vegetables as consumers would before the food is examined for 251 different pesticides.
2023 Dirty Dozen
  • Strawberries
  • Spinach
  • Kale, Collard, and Mustard Greens
  • Peaches
  • ​Pears
  • ​Nectarines
  • Apples
  • ​Grapes
  • ​Bell and Hot Peppers
  • ​Cherries
  • ​Blueberries
  • Green Beans
According to the report, a total of 210 pesticides were found on the 12 foods. Kale, collard greens, and mustard greens had up to 103 different pesticides on them, the most of any crop, followed by hot and bell peppers at 101.

For blueberries, about 80 percent of samples tested contained two or more pesticides; and on green beans, the EWG detected 84 different pesticides.

Additionally, several samples of green beans had residues of the toxic pesticide acephate, which the EPA banned more than 10 years ago from use on green beans grown for food, according to the report.
Alongside the Dirty Dozen, EWG also provides a list of 15 items with the lowest amounts of pesticide residues each spring.

Avocados and sweet corn were found to be the cleanest produce with less than 2 percent of samples showing any detectable pesticides.

Almost 65 percent of the samples of the 15 fruits and vegetables had no detectable pesticide residues at all.
2023 Clean Fifteen
  • Avocados
  • Sweet Corn
  • Pineapple
  • ​Onions
  • ​Papaya
  • ​Sweet peas (frozen)
  • Asparagus
  • ​Honeydew melon
  • ​Kiwi
  • Cabbage
  • Mushrooms
  • Mangoes
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • ​Watermelon
  • ​Carrots